After crushing on him but never saying a word for years, I decided that tonight I was gonna tell him how I felt. 'My best friend and I were having a sleepover at her house when her hot brother, who I've had a crush on forever, came home from hanging out with his friends. As I ran, she tripped over my leg, flinging her arms in the air, and smacking herself right in the eye! Worst of all, she tried to blame it on me, but everybody else in class was cheering for me because I finally stood up to her.' Shocked and confused as to what I should do, I tried to get around her and go tell a teacher.
One day, he and I were talking during class and he started to hold my hand, but right as we were about to lock hands, the other girl came by and said, 'Don't hold her hand, hold mine!' I rolled my eyes and decided to finally stand up to her, saying, 'Leave us alone!' but then she pushed her way in between us.
class that I have a major crush on, but, unfortunately, so does this other girl at my school who's supermean.